For gut and intestine well-being

Black Balance For Dogs – For microbiomial wellbeing for dogs

Black Balance is an effective and natural feed supplement for dogs’ microbiome wellbeing. Black Balance is developed to support the wellbeing of dogs’ guts, and to restore the gut microbiome to its natural state. The base of the product is Hufulac-supplement, which has been developed and patented for human use. Black Balance is an effective and natural polyphenol compound for animal microbiomial wellbeing. The effectiveness of phenols extracted from trees has been proven in university research. Active ingredient HUFULAC ®️.

Black Balance For Dogs – For microbiomial wellbeing for dogs

For gut and intestine well-being

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When the good microbiome culture of the gut is properly fed, the dog feels it – Black Balance.

Birch extract, chaga, polyphenols, lignophenols, lignin, and humic as well as fulvic acids.

Black Balance is a polyphenol compound, refined from lignin-rich plant-based sources, made into an easy-to-dose and tasty biscuit. Prebiotics, as well as probiotics are vital for gut wellbeing. Black Balance is a powerful prebiotic compound that feeds the good microbiomial cultures in the animal’s system. Black Balance improves the normal activity of the dog’s gut and intestines, in combination with a diverse and balanced diet. The package contains one month’s ration for medium-sized and large dogs.

Black Balance restores the gut microbiome as close to its normal state as possible. The base of the product is Hufulac-supplement, which has been developed and patented for human use. The effectiveness of phenols extracted from trees has been proven in university research.

Black Balance valmistetaan koivusta saatavasta lignofenolista, johon lisätään pakurikääpää tuotteen fulvohappopitoisuuden kasvattamiseksi. Puhtain lignofenoli saadaan nimenomaan puusta. Puu varastoi ligniiniä, mikä sisältää kaikkia aineita, mitä puu tarvitsee suojatakseen solujaan esimerkiksi auringon gammasäteilyn aiheuttamilta vapailta radikaaleilta. Black Balance onkin voimakas prebioottivalmiste, joka ruokkii hyvien mikrobien kantaa eläimen elimistössä.
Puun ja metsän maaperän omilla tehoaineilla on mahdollista:

  1. Parantaa suoliston mikrobiomin toimintaa
  2. Ravintoaineiden imeytymisen tehostaminen ruoansulatuskanavassa
  3. Raskasmetallien ja vapaiden radikaalien poistaminen

Black Balance

Black Balance – The healthies biscuit in the world

As humans, animals have more intestinal and gut issues nowadays. This may be caused by the larger disconnect with nature. Black Balance seems to revolutionize everyday life with its simple ways. The answer was found surprisingly close by, namely in the forest and its nutrients, which are absorbed by animals’ systems less and less due to modern processes.

The increasing gut problems tell us something, and one key factor can be the imbalance between good and bad bacteria. One mission of Black Balance is to restore the natural bacterial balance in the digestive tract.

Black Balance biscuits are easy to portion out, or to give out as treats. Thanks to the chicken fat, they’re very tasty.

The transportation method called Black Balance

Black Balance is a polyphenol compound, refined from lignin-rich plant-based sources, and carries an exceptional functional mechanism and efficiency. Both prebiotics and probiotics are important for the gut functions of animals. Black Balance is a powerful prebiotic compound that feeds the good microbiomial cultures in the animal’s system. Black Balance can also be called a “transportation method” thanks to its high polyphenol content and astounding levels of fulvic acid. Polyphenols tranport nutrients with the blood, and fulvic acid binds impurities to itself. Fulvic acid can today be called one of nature’s wonders, and we recommend everybody to familiarize themselves with research in this matter. Together, these active ingredients make Black Balance the best supplementary feed, which is good to include in daily feed.

Soil humus content is “the secret”

Animals have more intestinal and gut issues nowadays. The rise in challenges can be caused by many things, but one of the key factors is the reduction of microbiome in land used for food production. Wild animals get lignins, humus and fulvic acids from water and food, but in pet food these are not really available any more. The soil does not contain enough microbial activity to produce them.

Intensive farming methods destroy the soil’s humus and surface layer bacteria, and through this also microbial activity. These are the key factors for making the soil arable. If the farmland’s microbial activity was in its natural state, it would also provide plants grown for the food industry with prebiotic fiber, often called soluble fiber. This is, however, not the case, so a supplementary feed such as Black Balance is called for, both now and in the future.

The soil humus matter, lignin, lignophenols, fulvic and humus acids are the effective ingredients in our product, and have gone through hundreds of published university research articles. Black Balance’s product development is based on these. Product development and research has gathered information for years, by following scientific publications, and simultaneously developing Black Balance’s composition and production processes Various research institutions around the world are now actively researching polyphenols, lignins, fulvic and humus acids, and their therapeutic effects.

The animals’ systems nowadays have to break and remove chemicals, pesticides, gene mutated organisms, heavy metals and poisons, more than ever before. As do humans.

The active ingredients of Black Balance are slowly created in nature, some during millions of years in the humus layer of the soil, and also in deeper sediments where organic material deteriorates and transforms due to bacterial and enzymial activity.

By adjusting feeding and regularly cleansing the system from detrimental substances, we can improve the wellbeing of our animals.

These natural superfoods are available to you now, as a supplementary feed. According to our vision, humus matter are just as important to earth’s organisms as minerals and vitamins.

“Missing link” as an end result

So, humus matter makes soil arable. They create a structure in the soil, binding it together, making it sustain hard stress.

At the same time, the soil becomes airy and water permeable. “Optimal crumb structure soil” binds much more water and nutrients, compared to lifeless mineral ground. Humus can be seen as a passing natural resource, as only about half of it is left of the essential ability of the soil.

Humus is created from the collaboration of soil microfauna, plants and roots. Plants provide microfauna with nutrition and energy. The microbes in the soil provide plants with nutrition. Humus always contains 58 percent carbon, making it a notable environmental factor.

By cutting the humus content of fields in half, it means that each hectare has lost approx. 80 tonnes of humus, which has been washed away into waterways with all its nurients!

The gut microbiome’s role in various diseases is understood better and better, as more research is done. As the father of western medicine, Hippocrates, said already 2000 years ago: “All diseases start in the gut.”


Protein 17,3 %

Fat 5,6 %

Ash 5,4 %

Fiber 3,3 %

Kalcium 1,2 %

Phosphorus 0,8 %

Natrium 0,08 %


Corn, poultry fat, minerals, animal proteins, beet pulp, lignosulfate (Made from birch bark and wood, contains humic and fulvic acid).

Dosage guideline: 2 biscuits for small dogs, 4 for medium-sized and 6 for large dogs. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose

Storage: Store dry with the bag closed at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children.

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